Writing III-Assignment 2:How to survive when my life gets troubled?
How to Survive When My Life Gets Troubled
Once when I felt my life had been troubled, God showed me a single mother’s article. She had devised five steps from Paul's story that helped me a lot. First, she suggested, make sure of confessing any sin that needs to be deal with. Starting from taking a rest before the Lord, I confessed my pride, impatience, anger, doubt and fear. The second step is to invite God to be my Protector and Provider. I talked to him and listened to him. While I was praying, I shook off the deadly viper, the enemy that would love to attach itself to me to cause evil in my life. I did my best to rid myself of all such bad things. After having prayed and shaken off the viper, I kept my wits about myself. I stayed together with those who can help me survive and ate something. I took strength from others and food, after that, I ministered to those in need when I was hurting from the single mother’s last step. I took my focus off me and my problems. These five steps wouldn’t banish all my worries and troubles but gave me some practical steps to take and lead me out of the way of self pity.
Part III of rhetoric’s midterm exam
Part III.Analyzing Methods of Argument
Argument 1 (20 points)
Many Taiwan parents believe that white foreigners are always better English teachers than Asians, even Asians who were born and grew up in the U.S.
Q1a. Which method of argument are the parents using?
My answer: Inductive Reasoning.(5)
Q2b. What is wrong with this argument?
My answer: Not every white foreigner speak English, so what is true of better English teacher is not necessarily true of all white foreigners. This reasoning is weak in scope.Although many white foreigner speak English but that doesn’t mean they also have been trained to be a teacher, the conclusion isn’t a correct description of this argument. This reasoning is weak in accuracy.I think an English teacher who has the high grade of English ability and got a certificate of English teaching with enthusiasm will be a good English teacher no matter where he comes from.(15)
Argument 2(20 points)
President Bush believes that going to war in Iraq protects America from attack by terrorists.
Q1a. Which method of argument are the parents using?
My answer: Causes-And-Effect.(5)
Q2b. What is wrong with this argument?
My answer: It is true that America was attacked by terrorists like 911, but the trouble maker may not be from Iraq, so this argument is weak in the strength of the cause-and-effect relationship.Not every person in Iraq is a terrorist, so this argument is weak in accuracy.Although the pressure of the terrorism attack is a strong enough cause to push President Bush to fight a war in Iraq, but it may not be the only cause. The Bush Government may consider the profit of oil wells. So this argument is weak in uniqueness.(15)
Part II of rhetoric’s midterm exam
The sentences as below are Part II of rhetoric’s midterm exam which held at summer vacation.
The direction is: Choose six different figures of speech. Write the name of the figure of speech, and then use the figure in a complete sentence. (5 points each)
I got 29 points at this section.
1.Antimetabole (5)
The boy said, “If I can’t enter NTU, I won’t study.” And her mother said, “If you don’t study, you can’t enter NTU.”
2.Litotes (5)
We held a dinner party at Skylark last Friday and the restaurant’s food wasn’t bad.
3.Ploce (5)
The Chinese daughter-in-law always needs to set a table at the family party on New Year’s Eve.
4.Synecdoche (5)
I heard this rumor from the lips of your friends.
5.Oxymoron (4)
The doctor telling him he has cancer is a cruel kindness.
6.Irony (5)
The hard-working student seldom studies more than an hour per week.
Oral III-Premarital Education
The second speech I made on 30, October.
Good evening everyone. Before my speech, I want to ask some questions to you. The first question is for the married people: “Did you get any premarital education or counseling before you married?” (Pause and wait for audience’s response) “No, nobody got the premarital education? Well, I’m not surprise your answer. The next question for the single people: “Do you plan to attend a premarital education?” (Pause and wait for audience’s response) Well, not many have the plan. I think maybe you don’t know what “premarital education” is or just like most of people don’t think it’s necessary to do that.
According to statistics included on the Ministry of Interior Department of Statistic website report on population are the marriage is 160,249 couples in 1995 and 141,140 couples in 2005. The divorce is 33,358 couples in 1995 and 62,650 couples in 2005. That means the rate of divorce increase 1 time in these 10 years. There were 12.5 couple divorced in every thousand marriage one. In a simple number to remember is that was 172 divorced everyday in 2005. That’s not a good new for us, right? Should we still keep single to avoid divorce, the bad ending? Or the married couple should be cautious and anxious about their marriage?
Fortunately, our government the Ministry of Education had announced and executed “Family Education Law” in 2003 that is the first law to legislate in the world. One rule of the law is for engaged or premarital couple to provide 4 hours premarital family education to bring up the right concept of marriage and improve the satiation of family.
In a report on Premarital Mentoring Program by Robert Oglesby, Director, Center for Youth & Family Ministry in America, since 1995, he has offered a premarital mentoring program and lead by marriage mentors. Over the 10 years, about 320 premarital couples were mentored by 35 married couples.
Only 4 out of 320 couples have divorced (success rate of 99%) and between 15- 20% (about 60 couples) of the couples canceled their wedding plans. The four couples that got divorced were the “Conflicted type” and they were encouraged to delay their marriage but they declined.
So, “Is Premarital Counseling or Education for You?” The short answer is a resounding YES. Getting married without pre-marriage preparation is like starting a business or any important venture without preparing. Many happy engaged couples assume that they won't divorce. Some mistakenly believe that having lived together or known each other for a long time will prepare them for marriage. Surprisingly, research shows that cohabiting couples have no better chance at marriage success than others.
Most couples just don't realize that good, skill-based pre-marriage education can reduce the risk of divorce and lead to a long-term happier marriage. It can also reduce the stress of the pre-wedding period. Just a little effort can make your worries vanished over the long run. You can ensure that your dreams of a great marriage and a great life are realized.
Where to get the education program? Most of the local government had established Family Education Center in Taiwan; you may touch them for your necessary. If you attended the unite wedding that hold by Taipei City Government. They also provide the similar course but the content not very good for improve the relationship in your marriage. My suggestion is a good premarital education program that should have six goals to reach, like:
1. To explore Relationship Strengths and Growth Areas
2. To learn Communicate Skills (Assertiveness and Active Listening Skills)
3. To learn how to resolve conflict
4. To help the couple discuss their Family-of-Origin
5. To help the couple with financial planning and budgeting
6. To focus on personal, couple and family goals
Now, I am working for Focus on Family Foundation, The business is promoting Prepare/Enrich Program to help premarital or marriage couple. The program was developed by Dr. Olson, Director of Life Innovation, America. If you have any question or need you can touch me then I will arrange a good counselor and teacher for you.
These are our magazine about marriage and family. It’s very popular in church; you can take a look for reference.
Thanks for your attention.
Speech Evaluation
From Rebecca:You’ve made a good effort, but your speech content didn’t fit my request for controversial. The speech you made is like informative. So, next subject about informative you should prepare another opinion speech.
There were ten classmates gave me the evaluation and I calculated the average points as below.
* Clarity/Intelligibility:2.6 * Float:2.5
* Content:2.85 * Voice(Volume, Pitch, Rate, Pauses):3.1
* Vocal Variety:3 * Eye Contact:3.2
* Body Language (Posture, Facial Expression, body Movement):2.9