Sunday, October 23, 2005

My first translate assignment

After 1 month, we are going to hand in the first translate assignment about detective stories, the content as below is our group's work, please take a look and give some advice to us.


The 2nd group of odd class of AFL of ntust: Michael / Alice / Rita

Detective Stories偵探故事

The detective tale in its ideal form has a regular pattern, like Greek tragedy. A dead body is found, doubtless murdered; the police fumble the investigation. Accompanied by his admiring friend and biographer, the gifted amateur appears and solves the case by reasoning backward from clues to criminal. The unfolding must observe certain restrictions—no supernatural agencies or poison unknown to science, no physical impossibilities or even improbabilities; and since the main interest consists in the process of discoveries amid the confusion of facts and human purposes, there must be neither psychological delving nor a full-blown love affair.
In the first postwar period the taste for "mysteries" was considered infra dig; readers would apologize for their addiction. Some famous literary critics went out of their way to castigate them as lowbrow. This was contrary to fact; detective stories were written by and for highbrows. In that Golden Age of the genre, the English women writers led the field: Sayers, Marsh, Allingham, Heyer, and Christie were unsurpassed in invention and technique, affording the pleasure of literary art—plotting, wit, and narrative skill, in the service of invention, which must be ever fresh. President Wilson and Bertrand Russell were voracious consumers and more recently, J. L. Borges and Pablo Neruda.
在第一次世界大戰的戰後時期,喜歡閱讀偵探推理故事是被認為自貶身價的,這些讀者可能要為他們喜愛閱讀這類書而辯解。一些有名的文學評論家特別嚴詞譴責這些讀者是非常不入流的。事實上,這類偵探故事的作者及讀者都是知識份子。在那個文藝作品興盛的黃金年代,英國女作家在這領域引領風騷的有:桃樂絲.賽兒絲(Dorothy L. Sayers)、奈歐.馬許 (Ngaio Marsh)、瑪格瑞.艾林罕 (Allingham)、喬潔特.黑爾 (Georgette Heyer)、阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂 (Agatha Christie)等人,她們在創新及技巧上都是非常卓越的,例如在這類創作領域中,情節佈局及敘述充滿了各式陰謀及鬥智手法,她們提供了前所未有的新奇文學樂趣。像威爾遜總統(President Wilson)和伯傳羅素(Bertrand Russell),還有近期的波赫士(J. L. Borges,拉丁美洲著名詩人) 和聶魯達(Pablo Neruda,1971年諾貝爾獎得主)都是偵探故事的愛好者。
Later observers psychologized and said that reading the tales purged the lust for mayhem. This showed complete ignorance, since the genre does not dwell on the physical act of murder and the corpse is usually disposed in the first few pages. What the stories satisfied was fascination with method—an aspect of SCIENTISM—coupled with the pleasure of seeing crime put down; in other words, Reason and Right.


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